American Bolshevik Revolution
American Bolshevik Revolution
American Bolshevik Revolution
RogueOps Military Political Action Adventures
RogueOps does not drive peacefully down the middle of the road. We grind gears, burn rubber and rampage all over the highway at 120 miles per hour. We drive off the road, smash through things and set the reader on fire. RogueOps reality-based novels Provoke the reader, Anger the reader, Thrill the reader and Entertain.
Preliminary Notes:
RogueOps often refers to ‘Marxist‘ ‘Communist‘ and ‘Globalist‘
- All refer to the Jewish origin and ideological construct of communism.
- Jewish influence and control through indoctrination propaganda.
- I.e., Communism IS Jewish.
In 2016, their Cabal lost control of a subtle 100+year plan to overthrow America.
- Lost control of their Global Marxist Agenda.
- That plan began with Jewish ‘philosopher’ Karl Marx.
- With his nation-destroying, Communist Manifesto.
Marx published The Communist Manifesto in London, in 1848.
Published in English, the target people in their language.
Targeting all kindred people of White European descent.
Published by a London group of Jewish ‘democratic socialists.’
A radical Jewish organization called the Communist League.
- The origin of Marxist Communism IS Jewish.
- Jewish Communism IS Globalism [democratic].
- Communism and Judaism are synonymous.
- Regulated Jewish media academia and politics.
- Global proliferation of communism IS ‘THE‘ Jewish agenda.
- Proliferation throughout Western Civilization.
Precursor to the communist UN was the League of Nations!
American Bolsheviks
ACLU – SPLC – ADL – BLM – AntiFa
Rogue CIA – FBI – MSM – Academia
Those acronyms represent the 22nd Century Jewish Communist League.
Their inherent ‘racial’ insolence is typical of Jewish deceit and misdirection. A Jewish collection of incongruous self-contradictory acronyms.
American Civil Liberties Union … is not American.
It is International Jewry.
It is not Civil and has nothing to do with Liberties.
Unified only with the Jewish Communist League.
Saboteurs… mortal enemies of the White Anglo race.
Southern Poverty Law Center
Has nothing to do with the South or Poverty.
They are Evil, anti-White saboteurs.
Communist League members.
Anti Defamation League
Their only Defamation is against the White Aryan race.
Aryans: The mortal enemy of the Communist League.
BLM and AntiFa are indoctrinated Shock Troops that incite violence and chaos.
The communist plank of Confuse. Divide. Conquer.
Marxist MSM / Academia promote communist democracy.
They corrupt and indoctrinate Americans hour-by-hour every day.
* See American Bolshevik Revolution
Republic vs. Democracy
In a republic, the people assemble and administer government by elected representatives. A republic extends over a large region and is governed by Rule of Law.
In a democracy, people meet and ‘exercise’ the government in person. A democracy, of necessity, must be confined to a small gathering spot. A democracy is ‘governed’ by whatever the small crowd wants at the time. Achieved through Civil unrest. Riots. Social disruption. Political subversion.
“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs … ” From Patrick J. Buchanan
Any communistic “democracy” starts in one small spot, migrates to another and spreads like a malignant cancer. From which comes the term, “Mob rule.” Confusion. Division. Chaos. Anarchy. I.e., What we saw in the Marxist anti-American upheaval spreading through universities across America and Europe in the 1960s Color Revolution.
White Anglo students suddenly became stoned out of their minds on the systematic, sudden flow of drugs. Marijuana. LSD. Mescaline. Peyote. Hashish. Heroin. Quaaludes all suddenly available everywhere imaginable.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries a bag of pot and ten tabs of LSD, please.”
Our White Anglo-Saxon Germanic and Scandinavian students had no idea what hit them.
And neither did the sudden nationwide corruption of our culture and society.
The deliberate dismantling our of Republic governed by Rule of Law.

Main Stream Media
In 2020, the ‘Communist League‘ coined the term ‘By All Means Necessary’. Mass media and academia panicked to regain control with escalated Confusion. Division. Violence and Chaos.
They also coined the term ‘Build Back Better’ …
But not America. It means restore their Marxist agenda.
It was also a means to draw attention away from their Global Genocide Agenda 21.
Marxist media pushed the pandemic to create Demand for the real killer, “The Vaxx.”
Sudden Appearance of Savage ‘Negroid Lives Matter’ & ‘AntiFa’
Negroid BLM is a violent, homicidal, egalitarian mishmash of indoctrinated Far Left activists.
AntiFa is a violent, radical revolutionary Marxist communist organization. AntiFa is a contraction for Anti-Fascist. Of which, Fascists are Anti Communist. Such as WW-II Germany and Italy. The only nations on earth fighting the westward advance of Marxist Communism to overthrow Western Civilization. The Jewish Karl Marx construct was first launched in the Russian Bolshevik Revolution. Then again to create WW-I and WW-II.
Bolsheviks are overthrowing America…
The grand prize for establishing a One World Democracy.
* See American Bolshevik Revolution
- AntiFa dates back to the 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution, through WW-I and WW-II.
- Jewish communism destroyed Tsarist Russia. Germany twice. And eastern Europe all in 25 years.
- AntiFa were then as they are today, insurgent agitators of chaos and cultural destruction.
- Street savvy insurgent Bolshevik Shock Troops sent into Germany and Italy.
- The same AntiFa that Jewish media glorifies every day destroying America.
Today, Jewish Elite are losing their Bolshevik Revolution against America… Losing because America has awakened! Although many are still afraid to say it, most Americans know that Communism IS Jewish. That fear is breaking as more true Patriots with guts and resolution bring the Light of Truth into the open. Truth of who the real enemy is and always has been.
Know Your Jewish Globalist Bolshevik Enemy…
They intend to slaughter you as they have every Anglo nation they overthrow. They publish that intent in UN Agenda 21 and Davos World Economic Forum!
First came our Kindred People, then…
The Declaration of Independence.
The United States Constitution.
The Bill of Rights.
Those Established a Legal Nation of kindred peoples.
The United States of America.
Legal Definition
Nation: a stable community of kindred people
Based on a common language, territory, history and ethnicity.
A psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
A nation is more overtly political than an ethnic group.
It is ‘a fully mobilized and institutionalized ethnic group.’
A Nation is NOT Diverse or Multicultural.
A Nation is NOT a Multiracial Inclusive ‘society.’
That is a Marxist communist, anti-White Jewish construct.
A Western Nation destroyer conceived by Jewish philosopher Karl Marx.
Compare Leave It To Beaver’s America to today’s negroid democrat disaster. Compare that to the American WASP Republic of the grand 1950s. Compare it to the post Marxist Color Revolutions of the 1960s.
Go ahead. Do it…
“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs … ” From Patrick J. Buchanan
Our forefathers founded America as a White Christian Nation.
Of kindred Anglo-Saxon. Germanic. Celtic. Nordic and Scandinavian peoples.
They originally prohibited citizenship to all non-Whites.
They also prohibited citizenship to Catholics and Jews.
Jewish treason and subversion corrupted U.S. Constitutional Laws.
The Supreme Law of the land then, and it still is today.
They began granting citizenship to counterculture non-Whites and access to the national body politic. Their racial construct, belligerent schemes, oppositional ‘culture and social’ behavior, an innate lust for raping White women, and an inherent criminal mindset excluded them apart from the true nation. They were and still are an unmanageable assortment of destructive, incompatible cultures and ideologies. Hostile and inimical to our White Anglo culture and society.
The Nation Destroyer Purpose of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.
Marxist schemes deliberately infused malignant countercultures into our society. Mass Illegal immigration into Anglo-Saxon. Germanic. Celtic. Nordic and Scandinavian Nations. They systematically infused Marxist communism into Western civilization. To Confuse. Divide. Conquer.
To destroy Western Civilization.
American Bolshevik Revolution
Russian KGB defector Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov
foretold the state of 2020 America 37 years ago
Senator Joseph McCarthy 25 years earlier in the late 1950s, exposed over a hundred active Communist Party members embedded in U.S. Government and Congress.
Marxist ‘mainstream’ media systematically hounded McCarthy to death. As in dead. That shut down all investigations into communist insurgency into our government to this day. A decade after McCarthy’s death, not 50 or 75, but 100% of his allegations proved valid!
We should have listened
We should have acted
Tolerance of the Enemy is Submission
Submission is Treason
It stops now!
Marxist Media and Academia systematically programmed millions of Americans to commit violent acts of anarchy. And programmed others into passive inactivity with one indoctrination “news cycle” after another. Marxist Media push audio-video of insignificant events into earthshaking catastrophes designed to embolden BLM and AntiFa.
The Soros and media funded Marxist anarchists engage in Bolshevik-style warfare. Increasingly more violent destruction, rape, arson, murder, chaos fear and panic nationwide.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture repainted, every statue and street and building renamed, every date has been altered. The process continues day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
—George Orwell, 1984
—and here we are, 2020
Marxist Communist Media actively works to convince Americans that these events are ‘normal,’ have happened before, that they are under control and everything is fine.
Media falsifies and covers up the stark reality of BLM and AntiFa.
They misrepresent events as isolated and promote them on national television.
With ‘small’ Riots escalating into several city-wide riots nationwide.
Politicians step into the news and support the insurrection.
Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi posed with the violent gang MS-13.
She excused the vicious homicidal beasts as misunderstood.
By 2020, the bar had moved a great deal.
Savage leftwing negro extremists started rioting simultaneously in every metro city. Coordinated destruction raged on a nationwide scale never seen before in U.S. history. They loot, steal, burglarize, rape and murder. Radical arsonists burn down and destroy our White Anglo-Saxon infrastructure and turn centuries of socioeconomic stability into chaos.
Jewish Communist AntiFa runs uncontrolled in the streets.
They seize pre-selected areas of cities that radical Negroid mobs haven’t already destroyed.
Complicit Marxist mayors and governors disband police and order them to stand down.
Marxist Media sensationalizes the behavior and further encourage anarchists.
They create Bolshevik ‘rock stars’ on national television under the guise of ‘Breaking News.’
Former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov Defected to Canada in 1970
- Edward Griffin interviewed Yuri Bezmenov in 1984
Full video
Bezmenov emphasized that the KGB is “15% espionage. *85% is engaged in Marxist Communist ideological subversion and psychological warfare. They programme soft heads and build up a base of indoctrinated, mindless drones that will not and cannot think for themselves. They can only react to stimuli that opposes their radical Marxist programming. Mindless. Irrational. Belligerent and Violent.”
Marxist ‘mainstream’ Media is the most overt, subversive, psychological and ideological warfare device ever devised. On common ground with subversive Jewish television and academia that program Americans by ‘normalizing’ multiculturalism, homosexuality, pedophilia and every other deviant behavior hostile to True Christian American values.
“Most of the American politicians, media and education system train generations of people who think they are living in peacetime. False. The United States is in a state of war: undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this American system.”
Four Stages:
Ideological Subversion – Stage One
“What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.”
Bezmenov called it “a great brainwashing.” They engage ‘students’ through four stages that takes 15 to 20 years… through three generations.
“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.”
That erases 40+ years of American excellence and advancement, multiplied by millions of students.
Their nation-destroying threat is massive.
Bezmenov warned the Demoralization programme is “irreversible” and would take “another generation two decades without interference to think logically and return to patriotic American values.”
“As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps, he will refuse to believe it. When a military boot crushes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That’s the situation of demoralization.”
Indoctrinated left wing radicals by 2020 violently reject facts.
Instead, they cling to familiar Marxist narratives pounded into their heads.
Coupled with their own bizarre opinions they are now fully radicalized, Marxist activists.
Restructure – Stage Two
That takes two-to-five-years. What matters is targeting essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations and defense systems. Including corrupt academia, media, politicians, judges, courts systems and eroding Rule of Law. Russian KGB destabilizes those areas in the United States and weakens our entire national structure.
Crisis – Stage Three
Crisis can send a country into chaos in six week or less and bring ‘a violent change of power, structure, and economy’ followed by the last stage, ‘normalization.’”
How often do we hear Marxist Media pound the narrative — ‘this is the new normal’ — into every home ‘day by day and minute by minute’ coast-to-coast. Without subversive Marxist insurgency the endless falsehoods would not exist across America. They are the enemy, the mouthpiece for mass indoctrination.
For propaganda machinery for academia and politics.
Normalize – Stage Four
The restructure of American values, is now a new demoralized, ‘normalized’ ideology with a false reality.
Demoralization: Corrupt someone morally. Erode or destroy the courage, confidence or hope of a person or group. Throw moral and socioeconomic structures into disorder or chaos.
It takes 15-20 years to indoctrinate and program one generation of young students without any counter balance.
A reason that universities set up and encourage ‘safe spaces’ to eliminate collateral counter-balance.
Softheaded students don’t realize their handlers have further isolated them from reality. The next generation falls easier with reinforcement from the former. Third generation students are radical activists as are the first and second. Their thoughts and behavior patterns are irreversible. They are now Marxist revolutionaries reared on our soil, within our borders.
We let it happen.
We watched it happen in schools.
With faces buried in smart phones addicted to subversive Marxist Social Media.
Once demoralized and destabilized, Marxist Media must purposely overreact to fabricated events and push one artificial crisis after another. Endless fear and panic shock narratives like Covid-19 and George Floyd BLM riots nationwide are dramatic examples of how they can now manipulate large numbers nationwide at the flip of a switch.
George Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose.
They planned all this for decades as a tactic of war, for when they needed them. That was 2020 when they failed with the endless blitzkrieg of:
Russia Gate. FISA. Fusion GPS. Steele Dossier. Impeachment.
Corrupt Media and Academia.
Then they lost the ‘Trial and Acquittal of the Century!’
Their four-year blitzkrieg of Marxist Media propaganda and political schemes to frame President Trump, overthrow the presidency and the American people backfired and exposed the treason and the traitors.
“Trump and The Patriots,” (loyal administration, Intel agents and military personnel) outmaneuvered them and exposed their players dating back to ‘NWO’ George H.W. Bush, through Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barry Soetoro (negroid homosexual Muslim, Barack Hussein Obama) who set the final stage for Hillary Clinton to usher in the Globalist NWO operated from the United States White House. Enforced by the most powerful military and wealthiest nation on earth.
Exposed, they face 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115:
Treason. Sedition. Subversive Activities.
Twenty years in Federal prison or the Death penalty.
That horror sent them into maniacal panic.
Hillary was never supposed to lose.
In 2020 they launched their last ditch effort.
They activated their 4th-Stage Jewish indoctrinated activists.
They failed to take out the U.S. president.
They failed to overthrow the American people.
They had no choice but to shut down the entire nation.
If this isn’t mass Subversion and Sedition Warfare,
Then what is?
They attempted total shutdown by blowing so-called Covid-19 out of proportion …62:1. False data fabricated by Imperial College projected 2.2 million dead by the end of March 2020. When that mass fear and panic fraud failed to keep the nation shut down, they launched coordinated mass riots and destruction nationwide. Two simultaneous nation-destroying events never seen before in U.S. History. Even those desperate schemes failed.
Trump exposed the so-called Covid fear and panic as designed to overthrow and keep America shut down for five to ten years. No work. No Business. No School. No social or cultural structure. Total destruction of America and its people. Starvation. Exposure. Disease. Death.
Trump launched a “vaccine” immediately to reopen America. And, America reopened. Marxists demanded that the “genocide vaccine” Vaxx be a mandate. Trump announced that it was voluntary. Not mandated!
Regardless, America reopened and the people woke up.
The Marxist fifth column immediately launched war against the U.S. Government and We the People as a nation. After the largest mass treason in U.S. history with the failed impeachment schemes, they launched the most massive election fraud in U.S. History.
All of this carries the death penalty.
So-called deep state, academia, media and radical leftist politicians think they are in control. They are not. Their actions have come from a position of weakness and desperation since 2016. When they lost control of their 100+year communist agenda since Jew philosopher Karl Marx published his nation-destroying, Communist Manifesto. Published in 1848 by a London based group of German-born revolutionary socialists known as the Communist League.
The origin of Communism IS Jewish
Communism and Judaism are synonymous.
Its global proliferation IS Jewish.
Today’s ‘Communist league’ coined the term ‘by all means necessary’ in 2020 to regain that control. They are losing their Bolshevik Revolution ‘day by day minute by minute’ because America is awake.
President Trump reopened America against the C-19 fraud. Tens of thousands of Negroid communist revolutionaries and Jewish Marxist AntiFa exposed themselves as two more prongs in the Bolshevik Revolution raging across America.
Know your enemy.
Meanwhile, indoctrinated activists mobilize to eliminate…
ICE, Border Patrol, Law Enforcement and Military. A move for total anarchy and destruction. Total control over Whites that negroid savages haven’t already raped and killed. Indeed, Klaus Schwab, CEO and founder of the Davos World Economic Forum, recently backed up the communist UN Agenda 21, published in 1992.
In 2018, Klaus Schwab, a self-styled Satanic genocidal Jewish maniac, published a declaration stating a necessity to reduce the world population by 80%.
Beginning with people of White European descent…
and then a focus on undeveloped (non-white) nations.
Look at ‘news’ videos and photos of people collapsing dead from the genocidal Vaxx . Over 95% are of White European descent! //They want us dead and they are doing it on a genocidal global scale by the billions…
Yuri Bezmenov emphasized 36 years ago that Marxist academia and media conditioned these people to react in a certain pattern. Conditioned against anything opposed to their embedded indoctrination patterns. To react unreasonably and violent. To shout the terms Racist, White Supremacist and Nazi at anyone associated with the Folk that founded, engineered and built this great nation.
Yuri Bezmenov quotes
“A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. Facts tell him nothing.” – “Brainwashed, indoctrinated activists react to air-tight, fact-based, logical arguments NOT with assent or even interest. But with angry, violent rejection, murder and destruction. They are the 2020 Communist Bolshevik Revolutionary.”
“They are dangerous because they are detached from reality, designed to serve a specific agenda and are impossible to change. They demonize morality and virtues while elevating vices. They viciously mock Chastity as prudish. They ‘normalize’ Sexual depravity. Lust is a ‘lifestyle’ choice.”
“They brand hard work and success as White Supremacy. They reward sloth with free handouts. They brand prudence and wisdom as bigotry. They call mindless foolishness, ‘Wokeness.’ They brand faith as fantasy. Secular cynicism is thought sophistication.”
“Actions reflecting courage is cruelty. Cowardice is compassion. Pride is arrogance. Envy is social justice and equality.”
“Despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country. It’s a great brainwashing process.”
“All of this is an inversion of morals. Systematically inverting good to evil. Demoralize and Destabilize are two prerequisites to communist subversion. They make it ripe for revolution and overthrow. We can see communist [Jewish activist] insurgency everywhere in America.”
In the 70s, Yuri Bezmenov warned that Marxist insurgents had perfected the tactics in the U.S. a quarter of a century earlier Senator Joseph McCarthy exposed communist activists in U.S. government… We should have listened.
These Marxist tactics succeeded in demoralizing and destabilizing the great nation of Venezuela. Violent revolution followed and quickly destroyed the nation. The same is happening in America. At the same time, Jewish Marxist Media ramped up leftist radicals in the United States… Here we are! Know your enemy.
Revolutionary Negro mobs by the tens of thousands, and radical communist activists are destroying this nation on national television. We are watching it live, as though it’s nothing more than action packed soap opera.
Bezmenov warned that the “American people can’t see how to handle them, or even think that doing so is necessary.”
However, educated common sense Rural America is aware and takes active measure to keep the scourge of left-wing degenerates from moving into their communities. If they manage to do so, The People expose them to friends and neighbors and make their lives as uncomfortable as possible… w/o ending up in jail.
Telling them in no uncertain terms that they are not welcome.
‘Get The Hell Out … Go Back Where You Came From!’
The 1917 Marxist Russian Bolshevik Revolution slaughtered 55 million White Christian Russians in two years! Twenty million were farmers and ranchers the Bolsheviks deliberately starved and froze to death in one winter. With minimal food production the following year, millions more Russians starved to death.
Note: The Bolshevik mastermind was Lev Bronstein, renamed Leon Trotsky to lend a Russian appearance. He was a NYC Jew. A Rothschild banking cartel operative born in the Ukraine. Bolsheviks managed a 3% infiltration of Marxist Jews into the Russian government and effectively took over. The United States has a 7% infiltration of Jews into our government. They still use one of the Bolshevik flags today. It is the Red Black White flag used by AntiFa communist agitators!
Mentors- Karl Marx. Frederich Engels. Stalin. Lenin. Trotsky. Soros. Ayres. Dohrn. Alinsky. Enforcers- Obama. Clinton. Pelosi. Schumer. Nadler. Sanders. Feinstein. Schiff. Boxer, Etc. From the U.S. Senate and House. To Governors. Mayors. Activist Judges and corrupt courts. America is under attack…
AntiFa Bolshevik storm troopers made their move against America in early 2020. Self-styled “Black Lives Matter” revolutionaries assist them with tens of thousands of violent negro savages. Negro savages now patrol U.S. Metro streets with AK-47s, a Russian made military rifle. Their Jewish Marxist handlers intend that they replace our systematically dismantled police. You will not see their armed patrols on any Marxist news program.
AntiFa and BLM savages, emboldened nationwide by nonstop media coverage, openly threaten to move against White suburbia. Against our homes. Our women. Our daughters. Our communities.
Up Next for Millions of Americans?
What’s next? The same as 1917 Russia when the Bolshevik Revolution slaughtered 50 million citizens in two years. Jews had only 3% in government. America has 7%.
Of those, they starved and froze to death 20 million Christian Kulak farmers and ranchers in one winter. Satanic Jewry destroyed their food chain and starved millions more.
Today… UN Agenda 21 & Klaus Schwab
Globalists call for exterminating 80% of the global population. The UN is 80% non-white and they hate White America! They already exterminate their own people. That speaks volumes on what they have in mind for White Aryan America and Europe.
Look up Agenda 21 and Agenda 22
247,500,000 are White Americans…
There is only One Way to stop the…
American Bolshevik Revolution
You Know What That Is
Be Prepared… the time is here