Anglo-Saxon Culture Warriors

Anglo-Saxon Culture Warriors


RogueOps Military Political Action Adventures
RogueOps does not drive peacefully down the middle of the road. We grind gears, burn rubber and rampage all over the highway at 120 miles per hour. We drive off the road, smash through things and set the reader on fire. RogueOps reality-based novels Provoke the reader, Anger the reader, Thrill the reader and Entertain.


Preliminary Notes:

RogueOps often refers to ‘Marxist‘ – ‘Communist‘ and ‘Globalist

    • All refer to the Jewish origin and ideological construct of communism.
    • Jewish influence and control through indoctrination propaganda.
    • I.e., Communism IS Jewish.

In 2016, their Cabal lost control of a subtle 100+year plan to overthrow America.

    • Lost control of their Global Marxist Agenda.
    • That plan began with Jewish ‘philosopher’ Karl Marx.
    • That began with his nation-destroying, Communist Manifesto.

Marx published The Communist Manifesto in London, in 1848.
Published in English, the target people in their language.
Targeting all kindred people of White European descent.
Published by a radical Jewish organization.
The Communist League.

    • The origin of Marxist Communism IS Jewish.
    • Jewish Communism IS Globalism [democracy].
    • Communism and Judaism are synonymous.
    • Regulated by Jewish media academia and politics.
    • Global proliferation of communism IS ‘THE‘ Jewish agenda.
    • Proliferation throughout Western Civilization.

Precursor to the communist UN was the League of Nations!


American Bolsheviks

ACLU – SPLC – ADL – BLM – AntiFa
Rogue CIA – FBI – MSM – Academia

Those acronyms represent the 22nd Century Jewish Communist League.
Their inherent ‘racial’ insolence is typical of Jewish deceit and misdirection.
A Jewish collection of incongruous self-contradictory acronyms.

American Civil Liberties Union … is not American.
It is International Jewry.

It is not Civil and has nothing to do with Liberties.
Unified only with the Jewish Communist League.
Saboteurs… mortal enemies of the White Anglo race.

Southern Poverty Law Center
Has nothing to do with the South or  Poverty.
They are Evil, anti-White saboteurs.
Communist League members.

Anti Defamation League
Their only Defamation is against the White Aryan race.
Aryans: The mortal enemy of the Communist League.

BLM and AntiFa are indoctrinated Shock Troops that incite violence and chaos.
The communist plank of Confuse. Divide. Conquer.

Marxist MSM / Academia promote communist democracy.
They corrupt and indoctrinate Americans hour-by-hour every day.
* See American Bolshevik Revolution


Republic vs. Democracy

In a republic, the people assemble and administer government by elected representatives. A republic extends over a large region and is governed by Rule of Law.

In a democracy, people meet and ‘exercise’ the government in person. A democracy, of necessity, must be confined to a small gathering spot. A democracy is ‘governed’ by whatever the small crowd wants at the time. Achieved through Civil unrest. Riots. Social disruption. Political subversion.

Any communistic “democracy” starts in one small spot, migrates to another and spreads like a malignant cancer. From which comes the term, “Mob rule.” Confusion. Division. Chaos. Anarchy. //I.e., What we saw in the Russian Bolshevik Revolution. WW-I and WW-II where they slaughtered over a hundred million people in 25 years.

We saw it destroy everything in its path across America and Europe in the 1960s Color Revolution.

White Anglo students stoned out of their minds on the systematic, sudden flow of drugs. //Marijuana. LSD. Mescaline. Peyote. Hashish. Heroin. Quaaludes all suddenly available everywhere imaginable.

“I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries a bag of pot and ten tabs of LSD, please.”

Our White Anglo-Saxon Germanic and Scandinavian students had no idea what hit them.
And neither did the sudden nationwide corruption of our culture and society.
Marxism dismantling our of Republic governed by Rule of Law.


Brett Stevens of comments on Republic vs. Democracy
Seems fairly accurate. What most modern thinkers miss: we see the same in all democracies. The mental virus of “equality” seduces people into pathological insanity.


From 2016-2020, the ‘Communist League coined the term ‘By All Means Necessary’ during attempts to overthrow the president of the United States. Mass media and academia panicked to regain control with escalated Confusion. Division. Violence and Chaos. That included the largest mass treason in U.S. history with Russia Gate and National Election Fraud.

They also coined the term ‘Build Back Better’ 
But not America. It means restore their Marxist agenda.

It was also a means to draw attention away from their Global Genocide Agenda 21.
Marxist media pushed the pandemic to create Demand for the real killer, “The Vaxx.

The Sudden Appearance of Savage ‘Negroid Lives Matter’ & ‘AntiFa’
Yes negroid, the legal term for the ‘black’ race.

Negroid BLM is a violent, homicidal, egalitarian mishmash of indoctrinated Far Left activists.
is a violent, radical revolutionary Marxist communist organization. AntiFa is a contraction for Anti-Fascist. Of which, Fascists are Anti Communist. Such as WW-II Germany and Italy. The only nations on earth fighting the westward advance of Marxist Communism to overthrow Western Civilization. The Jewish Karl Marx construct was first launched in the Russian Bolshevik Revolution. Then again to create WW-I and WW-II across Europe.

//Bolsheviks are now overthrowing America…
//The grand prize for establishing a One World Communist Democracy.

* See American Bolshevik Revolution

    • AntiFa dates back to the 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution, through WW-I and WW-II.
    • Jewish communism destroyed Tsarist Russia. Germany twice. And eastern Europe all in 25 years.
    • AntiFa were then as they are today, insurgent agitators of chaos and cultural destruction.
    • They sent street savvy insurgent Bolshevik Shock Troops into Germany and Italy.
    • The same AntiFa that Jewish media glorifies  destroying America every day.

Today, Jewish Elite are losing their Bolshevik Revolution against America…  Losing because America has awakened! Patriots with guts and resolution bring the Light of Truth into the open. Truth of who the real enemy is and always has been.

Know Your Jewish Globalist Bolshevik Enemy…
They intend to slaughter you as they have every Anglo nation they overthrow.
They publish that intent in UN Agenda 21 and at the Davos World Economic Forum!



First came our Kindred People, then…
The Declaration of Independence.
The United States Constitution.
The Bill of Rights.

Those Established a Legal Nation of kindred peoples.
The United States of America.

Legal Definition
Nation: a stable community of kindred people

Based on a common language, territory, history and ethnicity.
A psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
A nation is more overtly political than an ethnic group.
It is ‘a fully mobilized and institutionalized ethnic group.’


“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs … ” // From Patrick J. Buchanan


A Nation is NOT Diverse or Multicultural.
A Nation is NOT a Multiracial Inclusive ‘society.’

That is a Marxist communist, anti-White Jewish construct.
A Western Nation destroyer conceived by Jewish philosopher Karl Marx.

Compare Leave It To Beaver’s America to the negroid democrat disaster of today.
Compare that to the American WASP Republic of 1950s White culture.
Compare it to the post Marxist Color Revolutions of the 1960s.
Go ahead. Do it…

Our forefathers founded America as a White Christian Nation.
Of kindred Anglo-Saxon. Germanic. Celtic. Nordic and Scandinavian peoples.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


That quotation appears in the Declaration of Independence.
It specifically meant kindred Anglo-Saxon. Germanic. Celtic. Nordic and Scandinavian peoples.
Despite two centuries of Jewish indoctrination propaganda, “all men” never included nonwhites.
Specifically, Negroids. //RogueOps specifically holds that truth to be self-evident!
As our Founders excluded all of them from
Excluded them from the body politic. From owing property.
From voting or holding public office. They were persona non grata. 

The Founders originally prohibited citizenship to all nonwhites.
They also prohibited citizenship to Catholics and Jews.

Subtle Jewish treason and subversion corrupted U.S. Constitutional Laws.
The Supreme Law of the land then, and it still is today.

Corrupt courts began granting citizenship to counterculture nonwhites and access to the national body politic. Their racial construct, belligerent schemes, oppositional ‘culture and social’ behavior, an innate lust for raping young innocent White women, and an inherent criminal mindset excluded them apart from the true nation. They were and still are an unmanageable assortment of destructive, incompatible cultures and ideologies. //Hostile and inimical to our White Anglo culture and society.

The Nation Destroyer Purpose of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

Marxist schemes deliberately infused malignant countercultures into our society. Mass Illegal immigration into Anglo-Saxon. Germanic. Celtic. Nordic and Scandinavian Nations. They systematically infused Marxist communism into Western civilization. To Confuse. Divide. Conquer.

To destroy Western Civilization.


Anglo-Saxon Culture Warriors

Throughout our History
A Call to Arms was never an idle act!

We are the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian and Nordic peoples. The greatest warriors, Culture and Civilization builders in the history of this planet. We founded, engineered and built our crowning glory, America, out of wilderness. No one else can make those claims. No one!

Inferior races have always been our nemesis that rape our culture, our civilization and plunder our prosperity.

Meanwhile, the ‘Trial and Acquittal of the Century’ exposed key congressional traitors on February 5, 2020. Since then we have watched Satanic Marxists panic in the Marxist media. We have watched the domestic enemy and their leaders expose themselves state by state, and mayor by mayor launch a blitzkrieg Color Revolution. We know their tactics. Their numbers. Their ability.

Look around. The bloody Anglo-Saxon has not yet begun to fight this Communist Bolshevik revolution on American soil! By the time they realize we have… It will be over!

Insurrection Act, 10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255
10 U.S.C. §246 Militia of the United States
60 million Patriots Called to Action at the stroke of a pen


We are the Anglo-Saxon—
The Celtic. The Germanic—
The Scandinavian and Nordic peoples—
Called Aryans 6,000 years ago in Vedic Texts—

We are taking back America from sub-Saharan aboriginals destroying what we conceived, engineered and built. We don’t need them and never have! The exception is 15% of color. Productive, hard working fellow Patriots. The contradiction is that the other 85% are a radical, oppositional social and economic liability that destroys our culture and prosperity. Of which feeds and supports them but they haven’t the mental capacity to understand that. //They are persona non grata no different from our culture and social structure having no use for  non-productive [w]hite trash.

Average IQ: Whites, 112 // Abstract thinking, unlimited
Average IQ: Negroes, 81 // Abstract thinking, none
Minimum military acceptance is minimum IQ 85

Race and IQ directly correlate to the level of civilization, crime rates, the ability to learn and progress from one state to a higher state of civilization. Race and IQ determine the level of GDP and personal achievement.

It connects our innate ability to advance Our Culture unobstructed when we prohibit their interference in Anglo-Saxon civilization.

Negroids do not advance for a number of reasons. They are not doctors. They are not mathematicians. Composers. Engineers or Builders. Most of them cannot hold a job. 75% of negroid mothers are unwed. They breed like rabbits to gain more in welfare checks paid by working Whites. Their base intelligence and corresponding ‘culture’ is one reason they cannot build beyond elementary, yet in their own right… grand aboriginal-type villages.

Fine for them, that’s what they are. And make no mistake, that is fine!
But they are not the  Anglo-Saxon. Nor is our Culture theirs.
Nor can it ever be anymore than theirs can be ours.

Another reason is they have no capacity for abstract thinking. To think, to create or to solve problems. To think about principles. Abstract means is to contemplate and understand ideas and objects not physically present.

They view time, their state of being, as a perpetual present. Whatever that might be ‘now.’ Unless influenced through a mulatto mix of White DNA and genes, they have no concept of tomorrow or yesterday. They are day-to-day, moment-by-moment hunter-gatherers and scavengers. A tribal, warlike culture. Example, city gangland rioting nationwide destroying everything in their path like mindless army ants, locusts and wild jackals.

No one needs to look any further than once-great U.S. cities the Anglo-Saxon founded engineered and built, by and for Anglo-Saxons. Too many of those cities are now majority Negroid with radical left wing Negro mayors.

The results are clear. Sub-culture squalor, filth and degradation. Unmanageable crime. Cities all abandoned by White Flight and left to their own destruction. All one need to do is look…

Barry Soetoro was right, “We didn’t build that.”

No… and neither did they.
They wrecked what we designed engineered built and sustained.


Marxist ‘Multicultural Ethnic Diversity’

Diversity is the most destructive Jewish scheme ever devised. A scheme for what? Destroy White culture and civilization on a global scale. That means all of Western Civilization. Nonwhite political subterfuge, chicanery, deception and corruption deliberately run amok. Witness everywhere that nonwhites got a foothold and displaced productive White citizens by the millions. What do they have now? …absolute wreck ruin and rubble.

That is their culture.
Fine for them, in their own ‘nation.’
Not in an Anglo-Saxon Nation of kindred peoples.


We Conceived. Engineered & Built America. Its Culture and Prosperity

They want it. They demand it. Witness AntiFa and BLM savages rioting out of control and destroying every American City. One of the BLM founders just bought a $3,000,000 home in a White neighborhood. And millions more spent on houses in other White neighborhoods.

We know what he intends doing…

Move malignant negroid ‘culture’, to our front door.

Disposed to do harm, to inflict suffering and distress.

Extreme malevolence and enmity toward White culture and society.

Parasitic multicultural diversity is a depraved satanic Marxist communist scheme. The most deadly ‘virus’ ever devised that destroys and reduces its host culture to that of the occupying negroid culture. It is Jewish controlled displacement warfare.

It is not a conscious or deliberate destruction by Negroids and other nonwhites. It’s because they lack cognitive capacity and mental processes that render them incapable of even sustaining what we build, let alone conceive, engineer and build.

Jewish handlers that create the entire smorgasbord of chaos and destruction. Pragmatically, they would be much better off in their nations of origin, among their own people and culture. Instead of being used as battering rams to destroy White civilization into which they obviously cannot assimilate and prosper in their own light.


Negro Population Percentage
A Demonstration of Negro Culture

This Does Not include other nonwhite populations.

Warring gangs, Mexicans. Philippinos. Hondurans. Cubans. Guatemalans and so on. The parasitic anti-White, sub-cultures pillaging the America we conceived engineered and built.

The America that feeds, houses, doctors and pays for their unconscionable crime and destruction at every conceivable level tallied into the trillions of dollars. Year after year after year…

These numbers are for the entire city
The Negro and nonwhite “Zones” are 99.9%

Detroit, 89%

Memphis, 73%

Baltimore, 72%

New Orleans, 69%

Baton Rouge, 68%

Atlanta, 63%

Newark, 68%

Cleveland 64%

St. Louis, 62%.

Philadelphia, 56%

Chicago, 57%

D.C., 70%. ‘Our’ Nation’s Capital.

Percentages rapidly multiply with parasitic out of control breeding

Jewish handlers destroyed those great cities with the anti-White savages.
They hate all Whites. The Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Nordic and kindred peoples!

The hands that feed them.

They revile us. They exclusively target and gang rape our innocent young girls. They destroy their lives. Many forever. Many commit suicide. They destroy our White neighborhoods. Our schools. Our culture and everything else that is good and wholesome. Destroying the greatest civilization builders in the history of this planet.

Yet they are ‘EQUAL’ in every way!
Ok, Prove it!

Rebuild our great cities and their founding culture, all of them, back to what we conceived, engineered and built! The most beautiful, prosperous and productive cities in the history of this planet. Were, until evil Jewish schemes cut lose nonwhites among us to do as they please.

They can’t rebuild what they destroy because they haven’t the mental resources, dedication, insight or ability to do so.

Can inferior cultures “Build Back Better”?
The latest idiotic term they shout from media rooftops say they are…

Who is to blame?
Nazi White Supremacists of course

Obviously, clear and evident they can’t even sustain what we build.
They are not White Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Teutonic or Scandinavian and kindred peoples.
That cannot be emphasized strongly enough!

The amalgamation of inferior (yes inferior) nonwhite races into America comes from multiple millions of counterculture non-Aryan immigrants, legal or otherwise… that breed like rabbits and pillage everything.

Baltimore. Detroit. Chicago. Miami. New York. Oakland. San Francisco. LA. Houston…on an on until this entire nation crumbles to the level of their culture… into abject ruin.

But that will not happen in America.
We will eliminate that destructive enemy that openly vows to destroy us.


They publicly declared war on White Folks throughout Western Civilization
That was a fatal mistake. Pray you are on the right side

It’s simple. Negros cannot sustain what the Anglo-Saxon conceives engineers and builds. Furthermore, we can no longer rebuild as fast as their sub-culture destroys. Hence, ‘White Flight’ accelerates a quick return to their level of existence. They would be better off in an African or Amazon village than derelict city ruins. They would have their civilization, their culture and a life.

Haiti is an outrageous example. We rebuilt Haiti twice. We built new infrastructure. Roads, bridges, hospitals, housing, power plants and food production. We finished the job and left. In less than a decade, they quickly devolved to their ‘culture’ and wrecked everything. //That happens wherever American taxpayers spend billions for reasons pointed out here and by many others and Marxist Media conceals the truth.

It . Is . Not . Their . Culture!
It Never can be … It Never will be

Meanwhile, they want it all… they will not get it.


Sanctuary States / Cities / Counties

Radical communist politicians, so far, have declared eleven (11) states as Sanctuary States. Doing that, they defacto seceded from the United States yet want real Americans to support their communist failures. California started the ‘revolution’ to dichotomize America in the 60s. Since then, they ‘encouraged’ 10 other Democrat states unconstitutionally to declare themselves ‘Sanctuary States.’ I.e., foreign communist Nation-States that now include 195 blue counties and metro cities.

They build up and harbor enemy invasion forces in the tens of millions

I said tens of millions – in communist AntiFa anarchists, radical BLM Negro activists and illegal alien parasites. They harbor violent gangland tribal warlords running the largest narcotics and human trafficking operations on the planet. MS-13 tops the list of Mexican organized crime syndicates. There are dozens more. Combined, they control Mexico from the USA and a good chunk of the United States that pays fir it all.

Traitor Nancy Pelosi did photo ops with MS-13 on national news.
She proclaimed, “We must recognize the divinity in them because there is divinity in us.”

There is no divinity in Pelosi or any of her pals.
Obama. Clinton. Schiff. Schumer. Nadler. Sanders. Feinstein. Boxer, Etc.
All Satanic, globalist Jews!

Divinity in MS-13?
Pelosi and pals are archetype satanic psychopaths.

America’s U.S. Military is dealing with them

They violate 1807 Insurrection Act, 10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255.
18 USC Ch. 115: Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities and other Criminal Codes.

10 U.S.C. §246 Militia of the United States, can deploy 60 million Patriots at the stroke of a pen.
Yet they incite insurrection bloodshed and stand for 20 years in federal prison or the death penalty.

Yes, they want it all. // Again, no!
They get what they created, or rather systematically destroyed with deliberate Multicultural Ethnic Diversity and other communist schemes.

The point is this: Anglo-America can also ‘Secede.’

When we do, and soon of necessity, we take a third of America and one quarter of Canada with us in one unified chunk.

Named appropriately “America.”
Our compromised nation’s nickname.

Again. We have all the food.
We have 70% of our Police Patriots that voted for Trump.
We have 80% of our Military Patriots that voted for Trump.

In addition, civilian patriots own all the guns, bullets and food.
The rest is academic…

*See the RogueOps Novel, Law of War



The sooner negroid savages are ‘Back in Africa’ the better.
Where they will revert to their inherent culture.
Better for them. Better for us.

Anglo-Saxons can quickly rebuild what they wrecked and advance our Aryan civilization. Without them destroying and burning down everything. Without spending multiple billions every year to feed, clothe, doctor and house them.

    • Look around. White Anglo businesses sustain our society.
    • Crime is the new ‘”Black” entitlement.
    • Marxist governors and mayors order police to stand down.
    • They slash budgets to nothing 50% and disband others completely.
    • Then release predominately nonwhite criminals loose in the streets.
    • That deliberately sends recidivism through the stratosphere.
    • The Marxist communist intent is clear.


We are Stopping this Insanity


Emerging from sustained insurrection nationwide, rioting communist BLM and AntiFa now march and ‘patrol’ American streets armed with AK-47s. Marxist governors and mayors intend for these communist terrorists to replace Legitimate Police. Without opposition, the feral savages will slaughter White males, gang rape every White woman to death, and sell their children to anti-Christ Satanic Jewish pedophiles and child sacrifice cabals.

Homicidal Mantras they chant in the streets

    • “Kill Whitey! … Kill Whitey!”
      “What do we want?  “Dead Cops!”
    •  “When do we want them?

“The biggest terror threat to America is White people.”

Nonwhite politicians and Jew-controlled ‘news’ makes certain AmeriKans repeatedly hear that:

Jewish Marxist Media pound that propaganda as savage negros riot across America. We have ears and eyes! We can see them run in packs like rabid animals destroying everything in their path.

No one has stopped them from getting more aggressive and violent since ‘1960s Desegregation.’ That’s when subversive Marxists in government cut them loose on our White Anglo civilization and culture.

Deliberately cut loose on White Anglo-Saxon Protestant society. Who else but the prosperous WASP Culture that conceived, founded, engineered and built this great nation! The people that subdued hostile wilderness, made the deserts bloom and now feed half the world.

The biggest mistake we ever made was feeding millions in third world ‘nations.’ The second mistake was providing doctors and medicine. Despite that, the result was out of control breeding and out of control population explosions. Disease, starvation and death ran off the charts as never before.

Nature no longer ran its course. The strong perished and the weak multiplied out of control. Natural Order turned upside down! //Suddenly, illegal negroid ‘immigration’ reared its ugly destructive head by the tens of millions.

But Only into White Nations!


Backtrack to 1960s Desegregation

Immediately came the Negroid messiah. Their communist god, Martin Luther King.
He whipped blacks into a fanatical frenzy. Where did he begin the rally for millions of blacks? // From the backdrop grandeur of magnificent Anglo-Saxon architecture. From our beautiful masterpiece, the Washington D.C. Mall. Our nation’s capital. The epicenter representing the greatest, wealthiest most powerful nation in the history of this planet. The Nation White Anglo-Saxons built. Not them!

//Radical activist and communist Martin Lucifer King  started the black activist revolution against the Anglo-Saxon. In our own nation. America! You can see the results of desegregation allowing them into our culture and society. With their media pushing the insane notion that ‘all men are created equal.’

Wake the hell up. There isn’t equality within your your own household.
One family member is smarter. Another Stronger. Or more successful…
Signers of the Declaration knew that negroes were not equal and had slaves of their own. Slaves on the large were treated exceedingly well, provided for and were devoted to their ‘masters.’

Again. The signers did not consider negroes ‘men’ in the same sense. Not any more than you can look at them today and believe that. The Anglo-Saxon founded, engineered and built America for Anglo-Saxon Christians.

Negroids did not and cannot build  Anglo Culture and Society— Period!
Their ‘culture’ is evident everywhere they gain a majority population.


At the Same Time as Martin Luther King’s Subversion

Suddenly out of nowhere, came the mass surge of drugs and psychedelics exclusively targeting White kids. Our next generation of White leaders! That was by Marxist Communist design.

Marijuana, cocaine, LSD, mescaline, peyote, hashish and heroin flooded every university campus nationwide.

Overnight, subversive anti-American Marxist activists rose up everywhere, spawned the disastrous ‘hippie generation’ and anti-America revolutionary movements across America.

So-called MLK Civil Rights Negroes by the Millions suddenly burdened the Anglo-Saxon with a massive negative GDP. An exploding unmanageable population. And nationwide crime waves destroying everything in their path.


White Anglo-Saxons Pay for All of it

Race mixing diminishes or elevates IQ

Functional and productive cognitive capacity diminishes in White Aryans that race mix. It increases in nonwhites. And yet we are all equal in the so-called ‘brotherhood’ of man?

That’s a principal reason why Jewish Marxist Media ‘normalizes’ Blacks-on-White women on television, in movies, in advertisements in their day-by-day, hour-by-hour mind-altering indoctrination!

Remember, Jews own all media including the film industry. Not by accident, but by design. They produce advisements (the worst offenders) and sitcoms that portray negros and other nonwhites as 70% of the population when they are less than 12%. And portray them in a social and economic light that does not exist in real life.

These mind-altering advertisements and sitcoms promote and ‘normalize’ race mixing, deviant homosexuality and lifestyles that don’t exist in normal, Anglo-Saxon culture. They deliberately portray so-called ‘white’ actors as effeminate and weak. Negroes as virulent, athletic and attractive to beautiful White women.

Real Women do not want an effeminate sissy!
The Jewish sitcom alternative is not a virile athletic White man.

It is a feminist lesbian.

A flaming AIDS infected queer.

A low IQ ‘nigger stud.’


You get the ‘picture’ or you should

TV is the most devious, manipulative indoctrination machine ever devised. I can tell immediately during a conversation if the person watches television on a regular basis. It’s that obvious! Fewer and fewer folks still have a clear, rational mind of their own.

Why? As with an increasing number of Americans, I haven’t watched television for 10+ years. We are no longer victim drones to counter-culture, anti-White, anti-Christian Jewish indoctrination.

We can hear, see and think clearly for ourselves. We can see that ‘Indoctrination Box Idiots’ cannot. They parrot all manner of left wing narratives without thinking. When I casually point out the obvious fallacy of a statement, they don’t understand at all. Some think for a moment and look stunned, or they become violent. It conflicts with their Marxist indoctrination that also conditions them to react in a hostile manner. To call you a Nazi. A White Supremacist. A Racist and so on….

If you think for yourself and verify things, you have heard it all before. When someone calls me a White Supremacist as though that is supposed to be something horrible I quickly tell them they forgot to call me a Homophobe Racist Nazi.

And sometimes add, “Yes, I am a White Aryan of an indisputably superior race.”
“You are of your race. Be gone from me.”

They look confused at those remarks.

A deer in the headlights moment.

They walk off confused not knowing what to say.

    • Anyhow, I compile empirical data and evidence on everything that comes under my observation.
    • I study old books and vet internet resources. I do my own research and corroborate my findings with at least two independent sources. I watch valid Intel videos. I study and engage in real life, healthy activities, as do most good people. Meanwhile, I am outdoors in nature as much as possible when not writing.
    • I seek truth, not hearsay scuttlebutt.


Moving on

Jewish Indoctrination Masters

They know that race mixing elevates the intelligence level of black hybrid offspring. Contrary, White hybrids that should have been brilliant White children have diminished capacity and not only threaten our gene pool but destroy it. A mulatto cannot sire or give birth to a white child. Only more hybrids. The same goes for a pure blooded Negro.

Jewish globalists and their entirely owned Marxist Media shoot for those criteria. Their obvious intent is to crossbreed Aryan superiority and intelligence out of existence so they can rule over the inferior mixed sub-culture they created. The intent is to convince the dumb masses that it is the proper thing to do. Yes, the inferior sub-culture they created is good.

God who condemns it all is bad.

Satanic Jews know they cannot rule over us until they destroy us. Think on that!

They intend this for every White nation on earth. Witness their sudden, mass immigration and invasions of negroid races by the multiple millions… but only into White nations.

Never, not ever into their neighboring nations… only ours!


God and Nature Condemn the satanic fraud of 
‘Multicultural Ethnic Diversity’

It is deviant and unnatural. Entirely a Jewish Marxist construct accomplished by mass indoctrination with 100% control of all media. I.e., everything one sees reads and hears. Carried out with assistance from Jewish infiltrated, corrupted political systems and academia. Say their names aloud to yourself.

Schumer. Nadler. Schiff. Boxer. Feinstein. Rosen. Hillary Rodham.  …ad nauseam.

Does the name sound Jewish?

Google 2020 ‘Jewish politicians’. Congress. Governors. Mayors.

Consider that they are only 1% of the population.

The numbers will shock you!

Do it and think on it

Their intent is clear and the results are obvious. Destroy White Culture and Civilization. Replace it with feral savages that have no useful talents in White society, none! They cannot support or feed themselves. Like idiots exterminating ourselves we do everything for them and pay for it all. This is not natural and it does not occur in nature. Only where Jews manipulate it! They now call it “Cancel Culture.”

Cancel OUR Culture and Civilization that directly or indirectly sustains everything on this planet. Their Jewish handlers know that, but their sub-cultures are too ignorant to comprehend they are cutting off their lifelines.


Geese do not hang out with vultures
Elk do not hang out with wolves
Fox do not hang out with coyotes

Aryans do not hang out with Negroid savages
Aryan Men are men. Aryan Women are women
Race mixers and homosexuals are un-natural creatures

God and Nature are an immutable Order

 “Only the Strong Survive in Nature.” …for good reason.
“Birds of a Feather Flock Together.” …for good reason.

Consequences for of violating Yahweh God’s Life Laws are clear!

This is anti-Christ Jewish, White Genocide on a scale never before seen in the history of this planet. They must eliminate us to seize control of Earth’s socio-economic, political and religious systems. Everything we conceived engineered and built. They currently have a financial stranglehold on us with the unlawful, unconstitutional Federal Reserve banking system. But we are doing something about that as well.

Read RogueOps HardStrike

Stay tuned.

  • Scripture foretold of this satanic destruction for this very time.
  • Everyone knew all of this… Right?


    • “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
      —2 Chronicles 7:14


 —The Beginning—