Covid-19 World War III

Covid-19 World War III


RogueOps Novels adventure Thrillers

RogueOps Military Political Action Adventures
RogueOps does not drive peacefully down the middle of the road. We grind gears, burn rubber and rampage all over the highway at 120 miles per hour. We drive off the road, smash through things and set the reader on fire. RogueOps reality-based novels Provoke the reader, Anger the reader, Thrill the reader and Entertain.


Preliminary Notes:

RogueOps often refers to
Marxist‘ – ‘Communist‘ – ‘Globalist

    • All refer to their Jewish origin and ideological construct.
    • Jewish influence and control through indoctrination propaganda.
    • I.e., Communism Is Jewish.

In 2016, their Cabal lost control of a 100+year plan to overthrow America.

    • Lost control of their global Marxist Agenda.
    • That plan began with Jewish ‘philosopher’ Karl Marx.
    • With his Marxist nation-destroying, Communist Manifesto.

Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto in London, in 1848.
Published by a London group of Jewish ‘democratic socialists.’
A radical Jewish organization called the Communist League.

The agenda targeted all kindred people of White European descent. // Great Britain. Norway. Sweden. Denmark. France. Germany. Italy. Austria. Finland. Ireland. Poland. // Ultimately America. Canada. Australia. New Zealand and so on. A global Jewish programme targeting the destruction of all White Aryan Nations…

They intend destroying and killing us all.
How are they doing, so far?

    • The origin of Marxist Communism Is Jewish.
    • Jewish Communism IS Globalism [democratic].
    • Communism and Judaism are synonymous.
    • Bolshevik and Judaism are synonymous.
    • Jews regulate media academia and politics.
    • Global proliferation of communism Is ‘THE‘ Jewish agenda.
    • Proliferation throughout Western Civilization.

Precursor to the communist UN was the League of Nations!


In 2020, the ‘Communist League

Coined the term ‘By All Means Necessary’. Mass media and academia panicked to regain control using escalated Confusion. Division. Violence and Chaos.

They also coined the term ‘Build Back Better’ 
But not America. That means restore their Marxist agenda.

It was also a means to draw attention away from their Global Genocide Agenda 21.
Marxist media pushed the pandemic to create Demand for the real killer, The Vaxx.

Judeo-Bolsheviks are overthrowing America…
The grand prize for establishing their One World Democracy.

The Nation Destroyer Purpose of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

Marxist schemes deliberately infused malignant countercultures into our society. Mass Illegal immigration into Anglo-Saxon. Germanic. Celtic. Nordic and Scandinavian Nations. They systematically infused Marxist communism into Western civilization.

To Confuse. Divide. Conquer.
To destroy the Nations of Western Civilization.

* See Anglo-Saxon Culture Warriors




First came our Kindred People, then…
The Declaration of Independence.
The United States Constitution.
The Bill of Rights.

Those Established a Legal Nation of kindred peoples.
The United States of America.

Legal Definition
Nation: a stable community of kindred people

Based on a common language, territory, history and ethnicity.
A psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
A nation is more overtly political than an ethnic group.
It is ‘a fully mobilized and institutionalized ethnic group.’

A Nation is NOT Diverse or Multicultural.
A Nation is NOT a Multiracial Inclusive ‘society.’

That is a Marxist communist, anti-White Jewish construct.
A Western Nation destroyer conceived by Jewish philosopher Karl Marx.

“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs … ” // From Patrick J. Buchanan



Covid-19 World War III

First, Let Us Talk About Our Wonderful, Precious Children
Let us Talk About Our Life-bearing Mothers
Yahweh God’s Devine Gift to His People

1. For a moment, forget about Satan and his evil minions here on Earth.
2. For a moment, forget about Satan’s final attempt to destroy Western Civilization.
3. For a moment, forget about Satan First targeting White Anglos for genocide.
x. Forget about Agenda 21 and Klaus Schwab targeting White Anglos for genocide.
x. Then non-White nations.


Children do not get Covid-19

If they do, dying from “it” is extremely rare 

Before we get into a synopsis of the Agenda 21 Genocide Vaxx , let’s talk about the Evil Bastards now targeting our children, and now even infants. Let’s talk about the insanity of an Evil Satanic Globalist Cabal deliberately damaging our children before they even reach Kindergarten.

Children do not get Covid-19. First, because it does not exist.
How is that? No medical laboratory on this planet has isolated the virus.
Second, children do not get Corona virus ailments. If they do, they do not die.

No test can differentiate C19 from the common Cold, Flu or so-called Covid.

The so-called vaccine, which is not a vaccine, performs several tasks
People that understand, call it the Vaxx. Or Vaxxed Victims
The fake ‘pandemic’ set up demand for the Vaxx…
The real killer. A global genocide mechanism.

a. It modifies and corrupts unique DNA structures Yahweh God us.
b. It contains HIV AIDS and Genetic Racial targeting markers.
c. Its mRNA damages and modifies/ excites natural immune systems.
d. Natural immune systems overload, attack cells and no longer protect them.
e. Thus transforming the body into a self-destructive weapon against itself.
f. It causes reproductive sterility in men and women.
g. It causes women to involuntarily abort their babies.

x. The Vaxx contains Graphene Oxide responsive to 5G signals.
x. Graphene Oxide courses through blood, to every cell of your brain and body.
x. 5G EMF frequencies can cause many behavioral anomalies from a keyboard.
x. From Normal. To sedate. To agitated anxiety. To aggressive violence. Death.

About Those ‘God-Damned’ Masks

Yes, God-Damned masks that suffocate our Children’s formative years
Massive shipments of masks have been found contaminated
with Graphene Oxide particles

Masks that Do Not filter a Corona virus 100x smaller than what it filters
Masks that re-circulate Carbon Dioxide back into the child’s blood system
Masks that inhibit normal Oxygen levels and cause malignant stress
on critical mental and bodily functions

Young Socially Developing Children

Our precious developing Children that Never see a face
Never see a smile / Never see lips moving / Never see a frown
Never see a laugh / Never see a cute girl smile
Never see a boy smile back / Faceless friends
Never see -any- natural expressions critical for communication
Never see -any- natural expressions critical for development

Evil Satanic Bastards are deliberately turning our Precious Children
into faceless, depressed lonely zombies! They are killing us
and our Children
mentally and physically…

// RogueOps wants ‘the bastards’ dead.
// RogueOps knows that many of you do too.
// This war just took a turn they didn’t expect…



Covid-19 World War III

CDC FDA NIH Pharma Genocide Admissions
There’s a difference in dying from bio-weapon C-19 and dying with it.

The Globalist organization CDC, deliberately falsified Covid-19 deaths to advance Agenda 21.
They falsified the numbers. Of all classified cases, 94% had other causes for death.

Two-prong Agenda 21 published in 1992, is a Jewish communist construct.
Purpose: Task the anti-White communist United Nations to enforce “sustainable development” against Western Civilization (White Nations) which is technically and financially impossible. The hidden agenda is designed to bankrupt decades old family business, small and large, with impossible mandates.

The second prong is Exterminate 80% of the global population.
Beginning with White people of European descent.

That leads into UN Agenda 22. Big money emergence of Big Box Superstores.
Superstore that sell everything from food, to lawn mowers, to computers to furniture…
Here are just the top 10 of only 100 that bankrupted millions of Small businesses.

Can anyone remember the names of local stores they bankrupted?

1    Walmart
3    Kroger
4    Home Depot
5    Costco
6    Walgreens
7    Target
8    CVS Drugs
9    Lowe’s
10   Albertsons


Agenda 21 Numbers

According to government-forced admissions, the CDC claimed 182,000 “C-19 related deaths” in the United States at the time of the report. Key words – “related deaths!”

After U.S. government intervention, the CDC quietly released a report that only 6% of C-19 deaths since February 2020 were from Covid-19. The CDC again, quietly reduced that to 5%…

The other 94% who died with C-19 suffered from Fatal pre-existing conditions:

All manner of Accidents / Cardiovascular disease / Diabetes / Lung disease / Cancer / Compromised Immune System / Old age / Infirmity / Influenza / Pneumonia / Respiratory failure / AIDS HIV / Cardiac arrest / Injury / Poisoning /  Other medical conditions / Etceteras

The math is shocking

Of the Covid-19 deaths at the time of CDC admissions, only 6% died from so-called C-19 in America. Never in U.S. history has the medical industry reported someone dying from pre-existing conditions, when in fact they died from something else. False numbers and percentages continue to escalate with complicit, unrelenting Marxist media pounding it into everyone’s head.

Globalists. Democrats. And their Jewish Marxist Media have an agenda.
They failed after four years to unseat a sitting U.S. president. The “Trial and Acquittal of the Century” on February 5, 2020 exposed key players in the largest mass treason scheme in U.S. history.
Treason carries a penalty of 20 years in Federal Prison or death.
None of them wanted to hang!

  • Meanwhile, where are the piles of dead C-19 bodies lining the streets?
  • Where are the bio-hazard receptacles to dispose of Covid-19 contaminated masks?
  • How do cheap masks filter a virus 100x smaller than it can filter?
  • How does all this work out with a 99.9% recovery rate?
  • Again… Where are the piles of dead C-19 bodies?
  • And to where has the Flu vanished?

The DEAD are Coming

All of that was a setup for the DNA modifying, self replicating, self spreading Vaxx designed to reduce the earth’s population by 80%. Accelerated with self replicating Spike Proteins that contaminate and kill others.

Marxist Cabals had Backup Plans

They launched them immediately! They backed up a non-existent C-19 global ‘pandemic’ with simultaneous nationwide rioting, arson, looting and destruction never seen before in U.S. history!

// And here we are.
// Millions of mindless democrats caught in the biggest hoax in human history.
// Millions of mindless democrats caught in the largest genocide in human history.
// Satanic bastards Caught attempting to destroy White Western Civilization.

// Still wearing useless Biden Bumper Stickers across their face.
// Fooling no one that matters any longer // You can spot your enemies.
// You see them driving alone in a car, windows rolled up, wearing 1, 2, 3 masks.
// They are beyond return to -any- rational normalcy and are Violent and dangerous.
// Stay clear of them.  They will die soon enough.

The Fix was In

The fix was in with the Clinton-Obama regime
The fix was in with complicit Democrat Marxist Media

They Never expected Hillary Clinton to lose. She was supposed to win the 2016 presidential election in the biggest landslide in U.S. history. They pushed that scenario with multiple billions of dollars and every media and political scheme they had against every opponent. Specifically, against any White American Patriot.

The presidential opponent became “THE” far-flung political outsider. The anti-Obama, anti-Hillary long shot bucking their financial and political stranglehold on America. Their media sneered, ‘Not a prayer in hell.’ Marxist Democrat Media savagely derided the man for over a year.

Then something happened

Hillary Rodham Clinton (Jewess) lost to the flamboyant real estate developer, Donald J. Trump! The largest most unexpected upset in U.S. history. Americans elected the 20:1 ‘long-shot outsider’ for president of the United States!

Globalists and Marxist media panicked in fear and lost their minds. President Trump also became the most savagely maligned president in U.S. history. He also became the corrupt media’s worst nightmare!

Why? Marxist Media and International Globalists joined forces to hijack our government, our wealth and U.S. Constitution. For decades, they maneuvered for unconditional control over the wealthiest and most powerful military nation on earth.


To enforce their 100-year ‘One World Order’ plan to overthrow the United States.

Jewish owned and controlled Marxist Media ran contrived scandal after scandal in a 4.5 year Globalist Coup against a sitting United States president. President Donald J. Trump.

//They had to cover up the largest Mass Treason in U.S. history. Hillary lost and couldn’t protect the players that dated back to George H.W. Bush. He coined the phrase ‘New World Order’ and its mass media indoctrination narratives. They projected that straight through Bill Clinton. To George W. Bush. To Barry Soetoro and finally to Hillary Clinton.

The Marxist cabal lost and resorted to their “Insurance Policy.” The conflict-ridden Impeachment schemes designed to distract, confuse and divide Americans even further. Multiple schemes promoted by Marxist Media and the divisive Jewish construct… social media. More accurately, Social Engineering .
They planned to take out President Trump and VP Pence, on complicity, in federal indictments.

They would vacate the White House. Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, would step in as president and planned to appoint Hillary Clinton VP. The Speaker would resign and Hillary would become president and Commander In Chief of the mightiest military on the planet.

She could protect their vulnerable players and operate their ‘One World Order’ with a hijacked U.S. Presidency from the White House. International Clinton Foundation ‘Pay to Play’ schemes would run full throttle against every nation on earth. //That Scheme Failed!

Something else happened

The ‘Acquittal & Trial of the Century” bulldozed decades of Marxist planning over a cliff. Their two articles of Impeachment had no actionable foundation. None!

On February 5, 2020, MSM had no choice but Televise that ruling from the floor of the United States Senate. The floodgates on decades of treason slammed shut. They failed to take out President Trump. They failed to seize the White House and shield decades of murder, treason, sedition and subversive activities.

Since the shock “Trial and Acquittal,’ President Trump deployed U.S. Military five times in one month. Not overseas. Here in the USA. Including 10,000 National Guard Troops into Washington, D.C.

“Trump and the Patriots,” (loyal cabinet members and Intelligence agents) sped up efforts to dismantle the Obama Shadow presidency, its power and socioeconomic control racked up since George H.W. Bush.

    • Yes, he was a ‘republican.’
    • But he was a NWO globalist traitor.

They Played Their Last Cards

Take Down the Entire Nation

Nineteen democrat presidential candidates failed in the most embarrassing political debacle the United States ever. A disaster of incompetent Marxist activists posturing for attention across a stage televised to the entire world.

They knew none of them would win anything, let alone a presidential nomination. The whole purpose was to televise endless Marxist indoctrination from 19 different sycophants to the entire nation for an entire year.

Enter x-Barry Soetoro ‘VP’ Joseph Robinette Biden.
The know nothing do nothing 20+ year senator that never had his name on a single congressional bill. Zero.

Enter Kamala Harris, the token BLACK slut. The sleazy, radical Marxist communist half-breed that slept her way into politics. AKA, an evil, trash mouthed democrat.

There you have it, America!
The desperate 11th Hour DEMOCRAT ‘nominees.’

Something else happened!

If that is even possible at this point.

  • All that national level subterfuge in eight months?
  • Eight quick months of insane democrat madness.
  • It was that or be Tried and Sentenced by military tribunals.
    Many would hang by the neck until dead.
  • Our military has already executed several at GITMO.
  • Look closely. Many you see are doppelgangers.
  • Many are CGI decoys.

What happened?

We caught them in largest National Election Frauds (plural) in U.S. history. Congressional Senate and Representative Elections –and- President of the United States.

The Marxist Communist takeover of the Nation we founded and built. The greatest, wealthiest, most powerful nation in the history of this planet. Control that, and communism controls the world.

Sit tight America

Joe Biden is not President of the United States.

State records show that Americans elected Donald J. Trump U.S. President in a massive landslide.

As high as 90 million votes.

What we see taking place today, is the final stages of the largest Military Sting Operation in U.S. History

Not only in the United States but across Europe.
Exposing communist Chinese and other complicit multinational globalist players.

  • All Marxist communists.
  • All hell-bent on overthrowing America.
  • Stealing America’s national wealth.
  • Stealing America’s abundant resources.
  • America’s Lumber. Food. Oil. Minerals.

Destroying Our Intelligent. Inventive. Productive citizens.
Destroying Our Treaties. Trade. And our Military.

Without control of the White Anglo-Saxon Christian that conceived, engineered and built this greatest of all nations, without that and so much more their satanic Marxist communist One World Order collapses.


Globalist Agenda 21

Enter Lab-engineered Bio-weapon Covid-19. The Largest Fear and Panic Deception ever conceived! A lightning war of endless false news chronicles coordinated by AI (Artificial Intelligence) flooded the planet.

Jewish Marxist MSM globalists shut down the entire U.S. within weeks of dumping counterfeit Imperial College models of imminent death on the White House. Their U.S. models projected 2.2 million dead by April if President Trump didn’t act immediately. //But Trump did not shut down America! Rogue governors and mayors did. Trump watched and maneuvered around them.

By the end of May, MSM reported 80,000 deaths. Realistically 35K discounting pneumonia influenza (PI) and tens of thousands of other non-Covid related deaths they shuffled into the mix. The Imperial College ratio is 60:1 against real numbers. Models now exposed as massive frauds that betray scientific analysis.

The DEAD are coming. All of that was a setup for the DNA modifying, self replicating, self spreading Vaxxine designed to reduce the earth’s population by 75%.

Globalist Agenda 22

Jewish Marxist MSM pushed Fear and Panic higher and higher through instant, global AI coordinated news broadcasts. Within weeks, schools shut down. Shopping centers, malls, parks, hotels, resort communities, small businesses, towns, cities and entire states. Unprepared city-dwellers swarmed like locusts into Rural America. They stripped grocery store shelves bare of food and supplies. Then drained their gas stations and left.

That sent a message to ‘Flyover Country.’
Do not allow that to happen again… Not ever!

Rogue governors and mayors ordered an entire nation under house arrest. Two weeks later, the U.S. economy faltered. In another week, it began to collapse. Marxist MSM pushed the airwaves harder and kept fear and panic at a fever pitch despite globalist operatives WHO and CDC exposed for not only ‘cooking the numbers’ but char-broiling them.

Businesses by the hundreds of thousands teetered on the edge of bankruptcy. Millions failed. They arrested citizens for going outside their homes. For non-essential travel. For everything but groceries, medical and gas.

Masks? ‘Social’ distancing? They turned an entire nation into lock-step automatons. No facial expressions. No pretty girls smiling or blushing. Masked, neutered faceless drones by the millions! //They got away with all of it. Or have they?

Trump and the Patriots have other plans

President Trump always knew what Globalists were doing and why. As he could, he played their gambits against them. Enemies foreign and domestic began falling like leaves off a poisoned tree. More and more traitors exposed themselves. Former CIA officials called for the death penalty on Brennan, Comey and Clapper. Marxist MSM, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schiff, Nader and Schumer miscalculated decades of mass treason and multiple Coup attempts. They failed to overthrow the United States president and the American people in the process.

The traps sprung shut.


 Covid World War III Status

Without Marxist MSM pushing Fear & Panic, none of this could have happened. None of it!

  • 70,000,000 Americans would still have their jobs
  • Millions of shuttered businesses would still be operating
  • A strong Trump economy recovering from the Obama Marxist regime
  • Trump’s lowest unemployment rates in decades would be even better
  • Black crime would not have skyrocketed during the fictional C-19 pandemic
  • A pandemic that never existed except in the media.
  • That set the stage for what came next! //What came next?
  • The real killer. The self-replicating, mRNA DNA modification Vaxx
  • A Vaxx that creates self replicating Spike proteins and GMO ‘humans’
  • The Covid-19 globalist fraud to destroy Europe and the USA failed
  • It failed to usher in their One World Order
  • Trump and We The People stopped it


Democrats Struck with Terror

Democrats launched a nationwide scorched earth lightning war
Proliferated worldwide with more Marxist Media diversions.

Blacks, blacks … and more blacks dominated their ‘news cycles.’
In another of many frame-jobs, they set up White police officer Derek Chauvin.
Set him up arresting a counterfeit money dealer and Fentanyl addict.
The Negro professional criminal, George Floyd.

Purpose: send savage BLM negroes and AntiFa communists into the streets.
Purpose: Riot, rape, murder, burn loot every metro city across America.

It Couldn’t be Just Anyone

Marxist Media needed a White cop to ‘murder’ an ‘innocent’ Negroid ‘victim’. Evidence revealed that he died from a Fentanyl overdose, not from a cop choking him to death. Democrat Marxist media set off the most massive, destructive wave of savage black riots, murder, rape, burglary and arson in U.S. history.

Black anarchists began burning down America. They gunned down police, set hundreds of police vehicles ablaze and burned down Precinct stations across the nation. Savage black mobs stormed the White House grounds and wounded several Secret Service agents. Black savages, with a smatter of white trash radical leftists, Mexicans and Asians in the mix rioted by the tens of thousands nationwide. Arson. Murder. Rape. Looting and billions in property destruction.

Nationwide ‘instant-on-demand’ rioting coordinated by George Soros and Bill Ayers types spread nationwide overnight and shut down every metro city in America!

// It is bizarre that any anarchist that engaged in this ‘scorched earth’ warfare against America is still alive.
// Or any Democrat that set them free!

America Remains Open

Subversive Marxist Communist schemes to destroy America’s economy, our Nation and President Trump’s reelection all failed.

Meanwhile, since that “Trial & Acquittal of the Century,” President Trump has merged the outlaw ‘Federal Reserve’ with the U.S. Treasury. He killed their usury debt system and its stranglehold on Americans. That would be trillions of dollars in debt-interest on counterfeit fiat money for 107 years. In 1833, President Jackson killed the “2nd U.S. Bank” (Fed). Rothschild resurrected it in 1913 on Jekyll Island with the aid of traitor, Woodrow Wilson. Not for another 187 years has a U.S. President shut them down. Not since ‘Old Hickory’ Andrew Jackson.


America entered into the greatest recovery since the Great Depression. President Trump slashed Interest debt and mandated lower and lower interest rates that approached zero. Not since the Revolutionary War. Not since the 1929 Depression manipulated by the 1913 Federal Reserve. Not since Rothschild unconstitutionally took control of our money and economy.

With our money, charged with debt interest, Rothschild cabals launched WWI, the Russian Bolshevik Revolution, WWII, Korea, Cold War, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia. In addition to striping American tax payers of multiple billions in payouts to bandit U.N. organizations and Shithole 3rd World cesspools. Not the least being the bandit state, Israeli.

American still pay unlawful unlawful compounded debt interest on all of it. Trillions of dollars of dollars has gone directly into their pockets for over a century!

Think on that…

President Trump dragged America’s enemies out of the shadows.
Citizen Patriots are fully aware. Stronger. More committed than ever!
The lines are drawn. Patriots can see the enemy, all of them.
We can see White Hat PsyOps playing out against them.
They are going down. All of them.
Including the ‘Marxist Next Door.’



It Won’t End Well for Traitors

  • // Title 18 U.S. Criminal Codes— Up to 20 Years or Death
  • // 1807 Insurrection Act
  • // 18 U.S. Code § Chapter 115: Treason. Sedition. Subversive Activities
  • // 18 U.S. Code § 2383: Rebellion
  • // 10 U.S. Code §§ 251-255. Ch. 13: Insurrection


We can hear the racket of hammer blows and saws buzzing.
That’s the sound of Patriots and DOJ building gallows…
…in Washington, D.C. Public Square.